I have received a lot of feedback since my last “Questions
and Answers with Kev”, and have a lot of questions to answer from readers,
which I am working my way through.
One criticism which has been leveled at me – quite
justifiably – is that when Sean encouraged me to give that salute for the
camera I should have a) refused, and b) walked out. I should have done both, I
agree. But to help readers understand better how I came to be in that situation
in the first place, I thought maybe I should give a bit more background
information about the cloistered world of the Bonky One and his high security Bunkerlow.
It is an extraordinarily strange world, about as far removed
from genuine Christianity and even the average family domicile as it is
possible to get. It is very difficult to
even know where to begin to describe that odd, insular world, but I shall
Let me begin with the dictionary definition of a cult:
· a relatively small
group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as
strange or as imposing excessive control over members
We have all heard of cults such as
Scientology, the Manson Family and the Branch Davidians. And I am sure we have
all thought to ourselves when reading or hearing about these whackos that WE
would never get mixed up with a cult. After all, who wants to bow down to some
self-appointed guru and sign over their
wealth and liberty for the reward of … er what exactly?
But the nature of cult indoctrination
is such that slowly but surely one becomes more and more caught up with the
group and its practices without even recognizing the processes of control and
sublimination that one is being subjected to.
Getting mixed up with a cult to can
happen to the best of us – and I should know: it happened to me!
Now – and this is news to me – apparently in all the years I
was visiting the Bunkerlow, according to Sean I was inadvertently visiting a retreat
for survivors of Satanic cults. I never met any of these people or saw any
evidence that they had been staying – rather like the complete lack of evidence
of any church services ever taking place on or off the premises, any
congregation or priests etc. These survivors/imaginary house guests were never
mentioned in principle or in passing. The first I ever heard of Sean’s house
being a retreat was when I read some old rubbish he had written on the internet
about it. Like most things that Sean says, if you invert it you get straight to
the truth about himself, not the person or concept he is degrading or
attacking. The truth is that far from being a retreat for survivors of cults the
Bunkerlow is in reality the operational headquarters of one! The cult of Bonky!
But how did this cult develop, and who are its members?
Over the years I knew Sean, I disregarded many of his
eccentricities, such as when he decided overnight that he was going to start
calling himself a lord, and the Highgate vampire hoax and his imaginary
ancestor Byron. When he decided to start calling himself a bishop, and set up
his own ‘church’ I went along with it, humouring him as usual. I was never quite sure how much of it he
believed himself. He has a cold way of ‘joking’ as if he is always testing how
gullible someone is, and it does instill a feeling that one should play safe
and not risk laughing lest one commit a faux pas which will be unforgiveable. And
so the lies get piled on one another, with the complicit encouragement of those
too polite or frightened or socially indoctrinated to challenge them. Although
initially I think he knew full that these were all complete fabrications, over
the years the lines between reality and fantasy seemed to become increasingly
blurred for him. As eccentricity
blossomed into a complicated set of mental health conditions, so the need
became greater for Sean to assuage his growing paranoia that the rest of the
world thought he was nuts and was against him, by surrounding himself with an
ever tighter-knit group of who he considered to be ‘loyal followers’. The
distinction between followers and friends here is very important. To Sean they
are the same thing. How can I explain this? Whether due to difficulties making
friends at school, some developmental problems, or perhaps some kind of autism
Sean does not really seem to understand what real friendship is about. For him
friendship seems to be some kind of contract, some perfunctory almost legal
arrangement devoid of any natural feeling and mutual respect and focusing only
on what use other people can be to him.
He is genuinely unable to place himself on a par with other
people, and to see his place in the universe as a part, not as centric. I am
sure this correlates to some Freudian stage. I have heard him repeat often the
phrase ‘if you’re not with me you’re against me’, and this underpins his whole
philosophy of life (a weird one, but there you are!)
How can I explain how it felt to be part of this world? It
might help to point out that I did not enter the ‘friendship’ with any
knowledge of Sean’s developing mental health problems. Sean is a consummate
actor (although his skills seem to slipping with age). He is also extremely,
EXTREMELY secretive. In a manner typical of the way cult leaders operate, he compartmentalises
his entire life, including his friendship circles, and circles within circles.
This ensures that he can get away with all sorts of things which he only wants
certain people to know about, whilst controlling his public image to those left
in the dark. Part of this strategy (although all of it is about control) is
intended to convey a feeling of being ‘special’ to certain people, and to
others that they ‘must try harder’. This involves making some people feel as
though they should be honoured to be bestowed with this bit or other of
information, or this special task to undertake. I have seen this strategy
deployed many times to play off gormless but ever faithful ‘Br’ Keith against
handcuffed ‘alpha friend’ Eggmanne for example. I am sure ‘Br’ Keith still
labours under the illusion that one day he will be granted Eggmanne’s
privileges within Sean’s cult, whilst not realizing that Eggmanne did not have
to earn his status as he could undermine Sean’s at any time. Divide and
conquer, show favouritism, get them fighting amongst themselves and you will
always be able to keep pulling strings and exerting control from above. Perhaps
Sean should have been a prison governer.
The subtle layering of this effect combined with his dominant
personality and extremely vociferous views on the perceived wrongness of
‘outsiders’’ actions or beliefs is hard to explain, but I am trying my best to
give you all a window ... before one knows it one has been royally conned – I
would go so far as to say brainwashed – into thinking that poor Sean is the
victim of a cruel world, and one is lucky to be given the chance to stand next
to him and help him fight for his wondrous principles. Be they vague things
about Christianity which one does not really understand, or his crusade against
those terrible, unprovoked people out there who seem to make it their mission
in life to cause him harm.
In this respect he was quite convinced that he was the
victim of some world-wide conspiracy by Freemasons and / or Satanists, and this
conviction over time shifted from conflicting principles to a full on personal
campaign involving hundreds of enemies round the world. He had somehow
convinced himself in addition that all these perceived enemies and imaginary
people were in cahoots with the devil.
Of course all of the above is complete b******s. There WAS
and IS no conspiracy against Sean. If people dislike him it is entirely down to
his own behaviour. And the only ‘principle’ which his minute flock of sheep are
helping him defend is his own malicious ego. But somehow, when one is on the
inside of Sean’s cult of personality, one just can’t see it, and any sniff he
might get that one is exploring free thought initiates a group effort directed
by him to get one back ‘on the right track’. These group military ops involving
secret phonecalls, meetings and emails in order to evolve and execute a plan
whereby NO one EVER abandons Sean or the cult are yet another example of the
control which Sean so carefully exercises in his desperate attempts to maintain
his imaginary life and its mirror in the real world – both of which are
dangerously and progressively
It seems with hindsight that when politics and religion
became enmeshed in his head with this ‘Holy Grail’ church nonsense he really
started to lose the plot, sculpting an imaginary role for himself as some kind
of divinely chosen carrier of the cross in Albion (with associated perks). And
we all had to play along, as if we were in some kind of cardboard castle in the
schoolroom where Sean was lord of all he surveyed and we should all trust him
to tell us what to think, how to vote, who we could be friends with, who we
could communicate with etc. As things got increasingly strange at Chateau
Bonky, on occasions Bev and I even wore crucifixes when visiting for a quiet
life, although the Christian side of it all seemed to have not very much to do
with Jesus but a lot (cryptically) to do with some kind of lost vision of England.
Most of Sean’s ideologies in this regard were so contrived and convoluted that
we tried not to get into conversation about them. The majority of house guests
I knew just paid lip service to him so he would drop these subjects and move
on. At the same time, Sean was becoming increasingly paranoid about the outside
world, perceiving himself to be under threat from a plethora of imaginary
enemies – and as I now realise most likely some real ones.
I have had sight of an email which was sent to a Catherine
Fearnley from a Fr John Kersey who has connections with the old catholic
church, and was published by her on a blog which she was running in 2007.
Kersey makes some very shrewd observations. I do not believe that Kersey has
ever met Sean in person, but as someone who has known Sean for over three
decades I note an eerily accurate insight in Kersey’s words when he says:
“I do think there is
a strong possibility that a number of the things observed point to behaviour
that is consistent with mental illness in my opinion. I do not find some of the
behaviour I have observed to be at all rational, and I do think that many of
the things seen here indicate a man who has many problems and who is deeply
troubled. I also have information obtained privately that I will not disclose
at this point that supports this opinion.
If I were in touch with him and believed that he would take advice from me I would strongly recommend that he seek psychiatric help. I see things in the style of his website that I also saw in Colin Hamer’s website, which is not a good sign. Unfortunate though it is, I think there is little that can be done until either he acknowledges that there are problems (which is unlikely) or some crisis develops. I feel concerned for his wife as she is part of the “isolation plan” that he has evolved through paranoia. You know, I take it, that he believes their lives are in danger if he does not maintain this level of secrecy? This is not normal behaviour.”
If I were in touch with him and believed that he would take advice from me I would strongly recommend that he seek psychiatric help. I see things in the style of his website that I also saw in Colin Hamer’s website, which is not a good sign. Unfortunate though it is, I think there is little that can be done until either he acknowledges that there are problems (which is unlikely) or some crisis develops. I feel concerned for his wife as she is part of the “isolation plan” that he has evolved through paranoia. You know, I take it, that he believes their lives are in danger if he does not maintain this level of secrecy? This is not normal behaviour.”
Kersey is quite right when he mentions the isolation plan,
and I do now see the irony in the fact that a stranger could observe from a
distance what was going on whilst we were so used to it that it had become
normal. We all went along with him when,
as guests arriving for dinner and so on, he locked the front door behind us and
turned on the intruder alarm. We even went along with him when he convened as
many people at the Bunkerlow as he could muster on false pretences because he
feared that a friend of David Farrant’s was going to turn up on a horse and
challenge him to a duel with sabers – obviously a wind up – and ride off with
his biretta as a trophy. I suppose sometimes when someone acts SO strange some
part of one’s brain thinks ‘Well there must be something in it’, ‘Or perhaps
its all true, I mean I’D be upset if everyone was out to get ME.’ And as a
friend ‘Well I know its probably not as extreme as he makes out, but its bad
enough if ANYONE wants to cause him harm. He doesn’t REALLY want to hurt anyone….’
But Sean certainly has a very real fear
of the outside world, there can be no mistaking that.
When David Farrant sent a book to the Bunkerlow rebutting Sean’s
lies, Sean was so flustered that he seriously began looking at property all
over the south of England,
with a view to moving. And yet at the same time and in fact prior to this he
was posting Farrant’s own address all over the internet along with many other
people’s (and latterly my own), with a view to inciting violence against them. Such
behaviour is baffling, and yet again demonstrates Sean’s habitual projection of
his own intentions onto others. You can bet your bottom dollar that for every
paranoid thought or fear he expresses – real or imaginary – he is actually
talking about something despicable which he fantasises about doing or has tried
to do to someone else.
And this is where is gets really weird and impenetrable. I
can just about understand that because of his own conceit he would not think
that other people would be capable of recognising his projections and
deflections in an attempt to conceal his own attitudes and behaviour. But I now
wonder just how many ‘Seans’ are actually inside that poisonous brain. For on
one hand he knows full well and boasts in private about the tissues of lies he weaves
in an attempt to falsely accuse others of what he himself does or wishes to do.
But on the other hand, some part of him actually seems to believe some of his
own lies. Could it be multiple personality? It has been mooted many times. The
thing that gets me is, in most classic cases of MPD at least one of the
personalities is half way decent, and gets dominated by the nasty ones. In
Sean’s case they all seem to be thoroughly evil.
But I suppose when one is a monomaniac, evil is relative to
anything which interferes with the full expression of one’s ego and whatever it
His paranoia in my opinion stems largely not just from
mental health problems, but from a simple guilty conscience. Whilst I was aware
of some of the hate campaigns which he was waging by post and on the internet,
I was not until the last few years aware of just how many people he has gone
out of his way to trash and damage. His attempts to sequester himself from the
outside world therefore not only demonstrate his need to not confront reality –
that he is a nobody with no right to command respect or wield control over
anyone – in order to sustain his fantasy world. They also reflect his internal
recognition of the injustices he has wreaked upon so many people who quite
possibly might want some payback. WHEN he has his lateral not his red mist head
But that is not to say that SEAN considers his actions to be
unjust. His monomania does not permit him to experience guilt, or self-doubt.
In which regard he makes the perfect cult leader. He must view the world very
much like an autist does, memorizing and learning the constructs which others
live by in order to get by successfully in their world but in his case feeling
NOTHING but that which causes HIM personal dismay or pleasure. This is why I do
not believe for a minute that my ‘Judas’ act as he describes it has hurt any
genuine feelings of his at all. At least not ‘feelings’ as normal people
recognize them. Our relationship was not, as I now recognize, built on a mutual
exchange of brotherly love and an extension of unconditional care to each
other. That was just what I was manipulated to think. It was based on Kev the
puppet and Sean the puppet master. I may as well have been an automaton to Sean
for all the selfless emotion he is capable of experiencing by recognizing the
humanity in others, and I would extend that metaphor to everyone he has ever
come into contact with. Would I go so far as to say he is a psychopath? I am
not a psychiatrist so I really don’t know. But I do know the effect that these
tendencies can have on caring and feeling normal people. It hurts.
As a cult, the cult of Bonky certainly has very few members.
Even less since Bev and I jumped ship! And in most ways, it is a cult which
only exists in Sean’s head – and to some degree those who go along with it all
for a quiet life. Having seen what happens when Sean doesn’t get his own way,
in some regards I don’t blame them. Sean is not very tall, and the years he has
spent hiding indoors have laid waste to his previously stocky frame. In fact
these days he looks decidedly pallid and sick. But he does have a very loud,
commanding presence when he gets angry. With the majority of Sean’s longterm
friends (my fellow ‘comrades’ or ‘brothers’ as Sean insisted on referring to
us), I used to swap stories and joke about the imaginary kingdom which he
seemed to think he ruled over, and the odd things that went on in it. Some of
these exchanges of information were quite amusing, such as the time we divined
that Bonky had approached at least three of us separately to ask if it was
normal for one’s manhood to shrink in
length as one got older and whether he should go to the doctor about it and
could it be reversed. In the Bunkerlow such conversations were a breath of
fresh air and helped maintain a degree of sanity. But there is one person apart
from the mysterious Russians who we instinctively left out of these conversations
– and that is teachers pet ‘Br’ Keith, Sean’s most devoted cult follower and
possibly albeit unintentionally one of the worst influences on Sean’s
enormously overinflated ego of all time. You see, unlike the rest of us, ‘Br’
Keith actively embraced (and presumably still embraces) the idea of being in a
cult, under the guidance of his beloved great leader.
More on this incredibly unenigmatic foot soldier in Tales
from the Bunkerlow Part the Second, coming to a computer screen near you soon
Water pistol time! Kev cooling off in the Dubai heat (c) Kev Chesham |
But for now I must go and sun myself on the beach some more!
Pip pip,
Kev (Feb 2013)
[Adapted from Kevin Chesham’s forthcoming autobiography, now in preparation]
[Adapted from Kevin Chesham’s forthcoming autobiography, now in preparation]
Hi kev,
ReplyDeleteFlattered to hear that my imminent 'arrival' on a destrier, waving a sword and a biretta-sized burlap sack, should cause Sean to go into full blown siege mode. Brilliantly cheering titbit. Thanks so much.